Accession Number TCMCG002C35727
gbkey CDS
Protein Id YP_009116358.1
Location complement(67209..67328)
Gene psbF
GeneID 22909424
Organism Ananas comosus
locus_tag TA56_p052


Length 39aa
Molecule type protein
Topology linear
Data_file_division PLN
dblink BioProject:PRJNA273206
db_source NC_026220.1
Definition photosystem II cytochrome b559 beta subunit (chloroplast) [Ananas comosus]
Locus_tag TA56_p052


COG_category C
Description This b-type cytochrome is tightly associated with the reaction center of photosystem II (PSII). PSII is a light-driven water plastoquinone oxidoreductase that uses light energy to abstract electrons from H(2)O, generating O(2) and a proton gradient subsequently used for ATP formation. It consists of a core antenna complex that captures photons, and an electron transfer chain that converts photonic excitation into a charge separation
KEGG_Module M00161        [VIEW IN KEGG]
KEGG_Reaction -
KEGG_rclass -
BRITE ko00000        [VIEW IN KEGG]
ko00001        [VIEW IN KEGG]
ko00002        [VIEW IN KEGG]
ko00194        [VIEW IN KEGG]
KEGG_ko ko:K02708        [VIEW IN KEGG]
EC -
KEGG_Pathway ko00195        [VIEW IN KEGG]
ko01100        [VIEW IN KEGG]
map00195        [VIEW IN KEGG]
map01100        [VIEW IN KEGG]
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